Dingo Range

Dingo SM325-24

The Dingo SM325-24 is our only petrol machine, but it is no ordinary petrol because it is the new Kohler EFI engine – a far superior animal to any carburetted engine. And the next best thing to diesel technology.

Dingo SM325-27

The Dingo SM325-27 is our most all-purpose model. Diesel for efficient and tough power. Those who previously had a diesel 950, K93 and All-Rounder or K94 will love a new SM325-27.

Dingo SM440-31

The Dingo SM440-31 is the culmination of over 25 years of pioneering development of the Dingo mini digger concept. With just enough electronics to make it easy to learn and drive, but not enough to make it into a city slicker, the Contractor will simply win every argument.